+49 7231 13323-0

HATOX-Remote Control - Wireless control devices

The HATOX GmbH has its company headquarters in Birkenfeld, Baden-Württemberg between Karlsruhe and Stuttgart and is thus located in the middle of an industrial region in close proximity to important and renowned suppliers. This convenient location benefits us to be able to react to customer requirements in a quick and flexible manner. Short distances reduce the egological footprint and lead to an increase of economic efficiency. We gladly support business partners here in Germany in order to stay capable to supply also in case of unforeseen crises and shortages.

Since 2005 HATOX has concentrated on developing, producing and marketing radio systems, cable controls and visualizing units. The scope of applications is broadly diversified:

  • Mobile hydraulics
  • Automotive
  • Industry
  • Agricultural technology
  • Logistics
  • Robotics

It is our target to make the operation of machinery simpler, safer and more economical with our versatile and sophisticated products. Our customers' demands and requests have a high level of importance to us; these are competently implemented by our innovative team.

Standardized serial production as well as customized special solutions belong to our fields of expertise. Therefore, HATOX ranks high among the top manufacturers worldwide in the area of professional radio solutions for applications and industrial sectors of all kinds.


Messages and campaigns

HATOX - Next Generation

HATOX- Control Bluetooth LE

Product Overview

HATOX - wireless controls for mobile hydraulics, automotive, industry, agricultural technology, logistics and robotics

Job Vacanies

work with HATOX

Hatox-Radio Systems

Safety Radio Systems
HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use
for the professional use
EX-proof Radio Systems
HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use
for even more safety in areas with the risk of explosion
Cable Controls
HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use
the fast back-up-option just in case or simply as a stand-alone solution
HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use
visualizing devices and transceiver units with CAN-interface
HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use
for HATOX-products

Funk inside

When developing our radio remote controls we put our main focus to the following criteria:

  • SAFETY: is a top priority for Hatox;  very heavy loads are moved, huge machineries are controlled with our products and all this very often in close proximity of humans. Therefore, Hatox radio controls are TÜV-approved.
  • Quality: safety is closely linked to quality. Only reliably functioning radio remote controls guarantee mandatory safety and provide effective using for the operator without costly, time-consuming interrupts.
  • Design: with innovative style and convincing ergonomics in operation and perception a comfortable handling is ensured.
HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use

Hatox-Radio Systems with distance control

Distance control

  • The radio remote control imperatively has to be pointed at the vehicle during operation (line of sight)
  • HIghest safety for the operator and other persons in the surrounding area of the unit to be controlled by minimum and maximum distance control
  • Prevention of material damage by unintentional running of the machine outside the field of vision
  • Automatic stop in case of undercut or exceeded distance or not fulfilled visual contact

Selected products

Hatox CANplc
Hatox RACcon
Hatox CAN I/O


+49 7231 13323-0

Von-Drais-Str. 9
75217 Birkenfeld

HATOX - wireless control systems

  • Mobile hydraulics
  • Automotive
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural technology
  • Logistics
  • Robotics
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