+49 7231 13323-0

No standstill thanks to the HATapp

Any time ready for use und able to work

Despite high quality demands and all preventive measures nobody is immune to failures wheather they are caused by mechanical forces to the transmiter or simply by losing the control unit etc. In order to avoid unnecessary downtime, HATOX offers the HATapp for mobile phones as a back up  which enables the user to continue working without interruptions.

But not only as a spare, the HATapp can also be an interesting alternative as a cost-effective radio control.


HATOX Control iOS App
iOS HATOX Control

HATOX Control

Download now in the Apple AppStore

HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use
Example configuration


Download an example configuration - Scan the QR Code with HATOX Control

HATOX Control preview

    HATOX BLE iOS App howto HATOX BLE iOS App HATOX BLE iOS App howto HATOX BLE iOS App howto

Did you load HATOX Control and would like to see an example?

  1. Click the Menu icon, open Settings and select Scan QR Code
  2. All data will be loaded after confirmation *
  3. Without hardware, click the Menu icon and select Application
  4. Select the application
  5. In the cell Preview, click the Show icon

* You need an internet connection to load the examples.

Hatox Mobile Control - Bluetooth LE

    HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use

Configure your own application for mobile end devices

  • Online configuration of functions and layout
  • Various display/input elements
  • Control via Bluetooth LE with the HATOX Control

HATapp im Einsatz

    HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use HATOX | Safety radio remote controls for professional use

  • Company's logo, layout and design (corporate identity)
  • Several views possible in one application
  • Flexible for different applications and user interfaces


+49 7231 13323-0

Von-Drais-Str. 9
75217 Birkenfeld

HATOX - wireless control systems

  • Mobile hydraulics
  • Automotive
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural technology
  • Logistics
  • Robotics
© Copyright 2024 Hatox GmbH. All rights reserved.